Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy

Transload Logistics Corp is committed to the health and safety of our employees and to the prevention of occupational injuries and illness. It is our responsibility to effectively manage and communication our health and safety program and to maintain compliance with all applicable federal and provincial legislation and regulations.
Transload Logistics Calgary and Calmar

Transload Logistics Corp firmly believes that the implementation of health and safety principal and practices are an effective way of providing responsible management. We will make every reasonable effort to provide a safe and healthy work environment. Transload Logistics Corp recognizes that an early and safe return to work program as required by the WSIB is an effective way of providing rehabilitation for the injured worker.

Transload Logistics Corp recognizes and supports our joint health and safety committees and will ensure that they are active partners in identification of hazards and recommendations to achieve our health and safety goals.

Managers and supervisors are responsible to ensure that machinery and equipment are safe and that workers work in compliance with established safe work practices and procedures. Managers and supervisors will be held accountable for the health and safety of the workers under their supervision.

All workers are responsible to perform their work in compliance with all applicable federal and provincial legislation and regulations as well as all safe work practices and procedures established by Transload Logistics Corp. All workers must immediately report any hazards or contraventions to their supervisor.

Transload Logistics Corp will provide a safe and healthy environment for our customers and visitors/guests by informing them of our safety policies. This policy and all application health and safety legislation apply to all contractors and their workers while on site at Transload Logistics Corp.

Transload Logistics Corp believes that health and safety is the responsibility of all workplace parties and together we can maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

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Transload Logistics Corp.
Toll Free:


Calgary Transload Facility:
1020 40th Ave N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E 6Y1

Calmar Transload Facility:
5001 44 Avenue, Calmar, AB, T0C 0V0

Get in Touch With us

Contact Us

Transload Logistics Corp.
Calgary Transload Facility:
1020 40th Ave N.E., Calgary, AB, T2E 6Y1

Calmar Transload Facility:
5001 44 Avenue, Calmar, AB, T0C 0V0

Get in Touch With us